Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Long Time No See
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I survived Hartville (barely)
I have finally recovered from the longest weekend ever. I took my camera but didn't get time to take any pics. I tried to take a picture of the clock in my car but it came out too fuzzy. I arrived to set up at Hartville the night before. 11:24pm to be exact. I am glad I left that early because I got one of the few spots left. I only got about three hours of uncomfortable sleep. It was hot and muggy. And I had filled my car to the brim.
I started setting up at about 5:00 am after giving up on sleep. I think it was hotter at that point. It was slow but steady. I go to sell not come home with stuff. But I do have a 'rule' that I won't reduce prices until after 10:00. I starting bringing out things and got hit by the usual early risers. The true pickers that come with flashlights and exact change. One of my return customers bought the Justice wood carving. He then brought back a folk art dealer (whom I have seen for many years but never introduced myself). He bought all the rest of the wood carvings. Just a great guy who loves what I love.
Later a woman came up stunned by the paintings. She bought the best three (the large country scenes). We had a nice time talking about paintings, folk art, Hartville, even the bakelite bracelets she was wearing. The new owner of the wood carvings came to gather them up and starting talking to the woman. They knew each other. Small world I guess.
Anyway, I did great at the flea market. I sold all the wood carvings, three of the paintings, and about $400.00 extra schlock that I had brought. I did better than most of the people around me (as usual). I met a few nice people, had some great conversations, and got some great compliments. Like the guy selling eyeglass cleaner next to me told me how impressed he was with my selling ability. That was nice.
The only depressing part was I had four larger items for sale that I would have been happy to get rid of. I didn't sell any of them. And loading them up ten hours later in the high heat SUCKED. That is part of the game. I'm glad I went and can't wait until next year. I was amazed that I bought all that stuff on Wednesday and sold most of it on Saturday. I could totally do this better and bigger. We will see what next year brings!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Hartville Here I Come
I have been hiding out because I haven't been able to keep my New Year's Resolution. Oh, well. I am not to worried about it but have noticed a dip in my sales because of it. I should be listing and posting to keep things rolling. Something to work on.
Anyway, the reason I am finally posting is I will be setting up at the Hartville Flea Market on Saturday. I hadn't really planned on it but went to an auction literally next door to my house yesterday. Now my entire front porch is filled with some amazing folk art carvings and painting. So that is that. I don't really want to ship these heavy or ackwardly shaped items. The flea market is the best place for them. Here is a sneak peak of what I got with more to some.
The great black cat has already found a home. But the rest will be available. Plus the usual vintage decor, household items, and vintage clothing and accessories. I am really just throwing this together and haven't started pricing it yet. Hopefully I will have a great sale and come home with an empty car.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Blogs I Follow
THE DAINTY SQUID http://daintysquid.blogspot.com/ I follow everyday. I love her posts. She is located in Cleveland, Ohio. Here is the check list of similarities. - Loves, buys, sells, and wears vintage clothing (check) Sells on Etsy (check) DIFFERENCES - She is much cooler than myself. ( I am a dork but boring.) She dyes her hair lots of different, bright colors. ( I would just like to be a red head again) She is obsessed with her nails with very creative designs. ( I haven't painted my nails since my high school prom.) WISHES- I would love to take tons of pictures at the sales and shops I visit. I wish I had more time to blog and search for cool things. I do think it is strange that there is someone so close to me, does similar things that I do, has a noticeable appearance, and yet, I have never met this person. So how many other people are near me, that do what I do, and have never met me? I usually see the same local people at the sales and know a little about them. I might not know their name (but have probably made up a name for them). Like Jason's friend, who sells vintage clothing in the Falls. I don't know this woman personally but have run into her for over six years at estate sales and auctions. We usually compete for the same things. But when we don't, I know something is up. Like those are her items they are selling that that is why she isn't bidding. Anyway, if you are in the Akron area of Ohio, buy and sell vintage clothing, let me know you are out there!
Monday, April 23, 2012
My Office
Can you tell I love the color green? especially olive green.
I have a few stacks of old trunks in my house but this stack is my favorite. I prefer darker and earth tone colors. I have too much stuff but try to pair it down to my favorite pieces that all go together.
The wall is covered with my collection of prison art. Yes, I said prison art. Most are folded paper wrappers like candy or cigarette. There is also a few pieces of carved wood figures like a cow and a squirrel. I through in a few gnomes to even it out. My Mom found me the collection of folk art carved wooden shelves. My husband and children found me the large vase covered in paper circles.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
HUGE SALE at Oliveyouvintage
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I'm a Couponer!!!
I have since taken over the couponing and am very excited about the deals I get. Like today I bought two dozen eggs at $1.00 a dozen, a loaf of white bread for $1.00, three bags of frozen Bird's Eye steam in bag vegetables for $1.00 a bag - a $1.00/3 coupon ( total = $2.00), and the best deal ( and the reason I made the trip) four boxes of Cookie Crisp cereal were 4 boxes for $10.00 (then I had three coupons for $.85 off each box which doubles = $5.10) bringing the total to $4.90 for four boxes of cereal. To make the cereal offer better, I got $.20 off each gallon on my next gas purchase. I then used a coupon for $3.00 my next purchase from Giant Eagle. That brought my total to about $6.85.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Saturday's Auction
I got some box lots of Christmas including this great cotton spun snowman -
I also got this unique corn husk painted folk art stork -
Lastly, in a box lot of vintage shaving brushes and vintage large sunglasses was this unique brass antique mold. Unfortunelty, I have no idea what it made or what it was used for. The bottom is marked ?alente & Micheletti N.Y.. If anyone know what this strange mold is used for or what the mark reads, let me know.
Friday, March 2, 2012
What Happens In Vegas ....
My husband and I did have a great time away but are glad to be home. I am trying to get back in the routine but it's not working. I originally had plans to come back from Vegas and take a little more time off to get my husband's taxes done. I am having problems getting anything accomplished with that but still haven't gotten anything new listed either. I did get some items relisted onto Etsy. I listed 12 relisted on 2/20/12, 9 items on 2/25/12, 4 relisted on 2/26/12, 14 on 2/27/12, 7 on 2/28/12, 5 relsted on 2/28/12 (Leap Year Day), 10 relisted on 3/1/12, and 9 on 3/2/12. That brings the new total to 3297.
I did spend some time over the last few days revamping my Oliveyouvintage Etsy site. I change most of my gallery photos to a double shot to make my pages flow a little better. I need to work more on this website and get more followers. I got an extra camera for Christmas. So I need to take my old camera with me when I go shopping to take pictures of my haul. A perfect example of when I should have taken my camera was the auction my Mom and I went to when I returned from vacation. It was an amazing collection of items that filled two huge barns at a fairgrounds. I had fun but actually didn't buy anything. I dug threw the trash and dumpster for my treasures. I ended up with a railroad conductor's style hat, a few 1950's day dresses (damaged), a handfull of broken jewelery pieces, and an antique doll for my Mom.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
On Ebay -
2/4 listed 27 items
2/7 listed 23 items
One Etsy -
2 relisted on 2/9
3 new items on 2/11
1 new item on 2/13
5 relisted on 2/15
That brings the new total to 3367.
I will get back from Vegas on Sunday.
Friday, February 3, 2012
So checkout what I have for sale at -
I'm a Busy Little Groundhog
We'll start with Ebay on Andvintage -
Ending tonight are 49 auctions of shoes, ankle booties, and boots. Here are a few of my favorites.
There are so many more amazing shoes and boots, I just can't believe how cheap they are going.
The on 1/30/12, I listed 26 auctions of Valentine's Day dresses and lingerie. All sexy and fabulous. Here are a few of the highlights -
Here's the naughty bits!!!!
On Etsy under Oliveyouvintage, I relisted SIX bathing suits on 1/27 and FIVE new items on 2/2.
That brings the new total to 3428.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Dragging My Feet..

I'm way behind but glad last week is over. My kids had a three day week at school. We also had a snowstorm, a night free to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary, and three days of calling big routes. It was a hectic week and I didn't get much work done. But here is what I did do..
10 NEW items listed on Oliveyouvintage (Etsy) on 1/18
10 NEW items listed on Oliveyouvintage (Etsy) on 1/19
11 relisted items on Oliveyouvintage (Etsy) on 1/20
That brings the total to 3428.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I'll slowly loosing the battle...
Since the last post I have listed 8 items on Etsy (oliveyouvintage), 9 items on Ebay on 1/13, 15 items on 1/14 on Ebay, and 7 items tonight on Ebay. That brings the new total to 3459.
On a personal note, my youngest daughter turned FOUR on Sunday. We all went sledding and to Chuck E Cheese. It was a good day.
P.S. I am starting a new part of my resolution and going to take pictures of my new purchases. Along with a purchase amount.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Where have the days gone,,,
I have already sold one of the new items I have listed. Going strong. I just need to get photos to get ahead.
Friday, January 6, 2012
It's Getting A Little Harder...
Somehow, I was able to control the chaos, clean up the mess, and get everyone to bed. I then spent the next couple of hours relisting ELEVEN items on Oliveyouvintage (on Etsy). These were the items I have been holding back because they are so fabulous.
only $55.00
Peekaboo Lace Vintage 1950's Rockabilly Blouse S M
Only $25.00
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
I'm Getting More Done.
Only $15.00
Sailor Collar Vintage 1950's Beatnik Black Sweater XS S
Only $12.50
Grey Modesty Vintage 1960's Shift Party Dress
Only $25.00
On a more personal note, I am going a little disappointed in myself. I have a posty note in front of myself right now which reads "No Shopping!!! List 10 items a DAY !!!" I have been shopping pratically everyday this week. I have gotten my listing requirements done but shouldn't be shopping. So Me, Myself, and I can't stop Me, Myself, and I from shopping. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Still Going Strong...
Only $25.00
Navajo Beaded Leather Vintage 1940's Moccasins size 5
Only $25.00
I'm still rolling on my resolution
Only $15.00
Batwing Bumpy Ivory Vintage 1950's Cardigan Sweater
Only $22.50
I also listed TWELEVE new items on Ebay ( Andvintage). I don't even know where to start on those. Each one is stunning.
Valentine's Day Red Vintage 1950's Day Dress XS S
Starting at $9.99
Embroidered Vintage 1950's Rockabilly Red Jacket
Starting at $24.99
Musical Notes Embroidered Vintage 1970's Skirt XS S
Starting at $9.99