I have finally recovered from the longest weekend ever. I took my camera but didn't get time to take any pics. I tried to take a picture of the clock in my car but it came out too fuzzy. I arrived to set up at Hartville the night before. 11:24pm to be exact. I am glad I left that early because I got one of the few spots left. I only got about three hours of uncomfortable sleep. It was hot and muggy. And I had filled my car to the brim.
I started setting up at about 5:00 am after giving up on sleep. I think it was hotter at that point. It was slow but steady. I go to sell not come home with stuff. But I do have a 'rule' that I won't reduce prices until after 10:00. I starting bringing out things and got hit by the usual early risers. The true pickers that come with flashlights and exact change. One of my return customers bought the Justice wood carving. He then brought back a folk art dealer (whom I have seen for many years but never introduced myself). He bought all the rest of the wood carvings. Just a great guy who loves what I love.
Later a woman came up stunned by the paintings. She bought the best three (the large country scenes). We had a nice time talking about paintings, folk art, Hartville, even the bakelite bracelets she was wearing. The new owner of the wood carvings came to gather them up and starting talking to the woman. They knew each other. Small world I guess.
Anyway, I did great at the flea market. I sold all the wood carvings, three of the paintings, and about $400.00 extra schlock that I had brought. I did better than most of the people around me (as usual). I met a few nice people, had some great conversations, and got some great compliments. Like the guy selling eyeglass cleaner next to me told me how impressed he was with my selling ability. That was nice.
The only depressing part was I had four larger items for sale that I would have been happy to get rid of. I didn't sell any of them. And loading them up ten hours later in the high heat SUCKED. That is part of the game. I'm glad I went and can't wait until next year. I was amazed that I bought all that stuff on Wednesday and sold most of it on Saturday. I could totally do this better and bigger. We will see what next year brings!