Monday, June 28, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

I went to a three day rummage sale and two day auction this last weekend. My whole living room is filled to the brim. So I am going to kill myself for the next couple of days to go set up at Hartville Flea Market on Saturday. To make it even worse, I have to have the house clean for our annual Fourth Of July picnic. It still have lots of cleaning to do but my junk is in the way. So I am busy, busy, busy and exhausted.
So come see me at Hartville on Saturday bright an early and buy, buy, buy!

Who Doesn't Like Astronauts?

Well here is a picture of the cool Micronauts Galactic Defender my son found.

It's already at $51.00. So it looks like my son did good!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lookie what my son found!

Today is one of my days that I always go out thrifting. I came home with tons of vintage dresses, some vintage milkglass vases, a set of cute yellow apple shaped bowls, etc. But the best find was made by my five year old son. He always looks for hotwheels at the ends of the aisles. Anyway, he was asking over and over again if he could have this and that and then pointed to this new in package action figure. It is called a Micronauts 1978 figure. Very rare and still in the original package.
We came home and I started to do a little research on it to find out they are pretty valuable. Mine seems to be extra rare as I can't even find the one I have. I sadly had to take the toy away from my son and tell him I am going to sell it. But I am going to give him the profits ( up to $20). I will post a pic later.
Funny thing is I went back later as it was driving my nuts all day to see if there was any other Micronauts. I didn't find any but I did find three new in package vintage Dukes Of Hazzard dolls of Luke, Bo, and Daisy Duke.
I will be selling these items on Ebay and Etsy. I just have to figure out how to post links to my selling sites.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This is all new to me!

It is Tuesday June 22 and I have started a blog. I am not that old (early 30s) but I have never done this. I haven't had the time because I have three young children, an Ebay business, an Etsy business, and I started being a part time secretary for my husbands company. Not much time for anything but I am using this blog to take a little time to myself.
My true love is hunting for vintage clothing and vintage items to sell. I go to local thrift stores, estate and yard sales, and (when I can) auctions. So this blog is dedicated to the thrill of the hunt. I will post what I find. So let the hunt begin!